To the editor:
The Chronicle’s claim in its May 7 edition that CCTV is not a necessity (“Public TV is not a necessity,” Our Views, page A10) was correct.
The Chronicle in its editorial notes that local public access stations elsewhere operate on the same budget or much less than CCTV. Private and home schooling operate on a fraction of what our bloated public schools gobble up, but that fact doesn’t seem to matter to The Chronicle.
CCTV is of more educational value than some of the activities that take place at Centralia High School. There are many things that are not a necessity that will be funded by levies. Books, such as “Circle of Magic” handed out to eighth-graders at Centralia Middle School for required reading, have no value toward education unless demons sucking the blood out of a dead corpse is now useful knowledge in our weird liberal society. Its amazing that educators today refuse to see that the occult and use of drugs are two activities that go together like peanut butter and jelly.
It’s true spending money on education will attract quality people to the Centralia area, but I resent the notion many seem to have that everything in this life is fixed with doctor pills and dollar bills.
In fairness to all those who work in education, the reason schools are not what they used to be is because our culture is not what it used to be. Our culture began its deterioration through public education and public education is where it must be improved.
I sincerely believe that until parents have greater control over what is taught in the classroom, public education will continue to go around the wilderness in circles.
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